English academy in Myeongji, Busan. (Elementary-Middle)

Teach English In South Korea.

Zenith is a private English academy in Myeongji, Busan that focuses on debate for elementary and middle school students. The academy is small, laid-back, and free of drama, so this position would be ideal for someone who is passionate about helping their students succeed.

The curriculum is provided to teachers, but there is a lot of flexibility in how they choose to implement the material. There is plenty of time to prepare for classes, so there is no homework to take home.

Job Details

Starting date: mid-late May 

Salary: 2.4-2.5+ depending on experience + housing allowance or provided modern officetel housing 

Grade level: elementary- middle

Visa requirements: E2 or F series visa

Qualifications: Native English speaker from USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa with a bachelors degree or higher 

Class size: 12 students max. (Most classes have 4-5 students) 

Class length: 50 minutes 

Working hours: 2-9.10 (MWF) 2.30-10.05 (TTH)

Teaching hours: No more than 30 teaching hours, but usually 25-27

Vacation: 13 days + red days 

Basic benefits: pension, insurance, severance.

Click here to see more vacancies.

We look forward to hearing from you. If you have any further questions, don’t be afraid to reach out. Have a good day! 

To apply, email mickealy3@gmail.com or click here to apply.

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