The Director-General
The Director-General: National Department of Health
1.1 This Circular is, except during December, published on a weekly basis and contains the advertisements for vacant
posts and jobs in Public Service departments.
1.2 Although the Circular is issued by the Department of Public Service and Administration, the Department is not responsible for the content of the advertisements. Enquiries about an advertisement must be addressed to the relevant advertising department.
- Directions to candidates:
2.1 Applications on form Z83 with full particulars of the applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies, knowledge and experience (on a separate sheet if necessary or a CV) must be forwarded to the department in which the vacancy/vacancies exist(s)
2.2 Applicants must indicate the reference number of the vacancy in their applications.
2.3 Applicants requiring additional information regarding an advertised post must direct their enquiries to the department where the vacancy exists. The Department of Public Service and Administration must not be approached for such information.
2.4 It must be ensured that applications reach the relevant advertising departments on or before the applicable closing dates.
The Director-General, National Department of Health
Private Bag X399,
Pretoria. 0001.
The Director-General Applications should be forwarded to
CLOSING DATE: 31 January 2022 at 12H00
All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a technical
exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics
of which will be communicated by the Department. Following the interview and
technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a
generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA
Directive on the implementation of competency-based assessments).
The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies
using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment battery. Applications
should be submitted on the new Z83 form obtainable from any Public Service
Department and should be accompanied by a CV (previous experience must
be comprehensively detailed).
Copies of qualification certificates (need not be certified) should be attached (including Senior Certificate/Grade 12 certificate regardless of the qualification requirement indicated in the advert) including ID and driver’s license. Only emailed applications will be considered. Applications received after the closing date and those that do not comply with the requirements will not be considered. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications and national certificates (where applicable) evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The Department reserves the right not to fill the posts.
The successful candidate will be subjected to personnel suitability checks and other vetting procedures. Applicants are respectfully informed that correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If notification of an interview is not received within three (3) months after the closing date, candidates may regard their application as unsuccessful. The Department will not be liable where applicants use incorrect/no reference number(s) on their applications.
Directions to departments
3.1 The contents of this Circular must be brought to the attention of all employees.
3.2 It must be ensured that employees declared in excess are informed of the advertised vacancies. Potential
candidates from the excess group must be assisted in applying timeously for vacancies and attending where
applicable, interviews.
3.3 Where vacancies have been identified to promote representativeness, the provisions of sections 15 (affirmative
action measures) and 20 (employment equity plan) of the Employment Equity Act, 1998 should be applied.
Advertisements for such vacancies should state that it is intended to promote representativeness through the
filling of the vacancy and that the candidature of persons whose transfer/appointment will promote
representativeness will receive preference.
3.4 Candidates must be assessed and selected in accordance with the relevant measures that apply to employment
in the Public Service
The Department of Employment and Labour will strive for a labour market that is conducive to investment, economic growth, employment creation, and decent work.
The Department of Employment and Labour will play a significant role in reducing unemployment, poverty and inequality through a set of policies and programmes developed in consultation with social partners, which are aimed at:
- Improved economic efficiency and productivity
- Employment creation
- Sound labour relations
- Eliminating inequality and discrimination in the workplace
- Alleviating poverty in employment
Regulate the South Africa labour market for a sustainable economy through:
- Appropriate legislation and regulations
- Inspection, compliance monitoring and enforcement
- Protection of human rights
- Provision of Employment Services
- Promoting equity
- Social and income protection
- Social dialogue.
- We treat employees with care, dignity and respect
- We respect and promote:
- Client centred services
- Accountability
- Integrity and ethical behaviour
- Learning and development
- We live the Batho Pele Principles
- We live the principles of the Department’s Service Charter
- We inculcate these values through our performance management system.
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