



  • Monitoring compliance with the financial policy and procedures;
  • Providing financial advice to the University and related entities;
  • Advising about VAT requirements and the completion and submission of monthly VAT and other sundry returns;
  • Dealing with VAT verification and audit requests from SARS;
  • Representing the Finance Division in other divisions and faculties;
  • Compiling financial statements in compliance with IFRS, appropriate legislation and practices;
  • Compiling monthly/annual financial statements and expenditure analyses for the specific environment;
  • Dealing with telephonic, walk-in and email enquiries about financial procedures and systems;
  • Managing overspent cost centres;
  • Responsible for various year-end procedures;
  • Liasing with the external auditors and internal departments as applicable and determining audit timelines and dealing with audit queries and documentation requests;
  • Providing timeous and accurate administrative support services during audits;
  • Responsible for allocated control accounts and cost centres, including related administration and reconciliation;
  • Reviewing financial statements for reporting to external funders;
  • Administrating and controlling advance payments.
  • Monitering van die voldoening aan die finansiële beleid en prosedures;
  • Verskaf finansiële advies aan die Universiteit en verwante entiteite;
  • Advisering rondom BTW-vereistes en die voltooiing en indiening van maandelikse BTW en ander diverse opgawes;
  • Hantering van BTW verifikasie en ouditversoeke vanaf SARS;
  • Verteenwoordig die Afdeling Finansies by ander afdelings en fakulteite;
  • Opstel van finansiële state wat aan IFRS, toepaslike wetgewing en praktyke voldoen;
  • Opstel van maandelikse/jaarlikse finansiële state en spanderingsanalises vir die betrokke omgewing;
  • Hantering van telefoniese, instap- en e-posnavrae rakende finansiële prosedures en stelsels;
  • Bestuur van oorgespandeerde kostepunte;
  • Verantwoordelik vir verskeie jaareind-prosedures;
  • Skakeling met die eksterne ouditeure en afdelings soos van toepassing ten opsigte van die bepaling van tydlyne vir oudits en die hantering van navrae en dokumentasieversoeke;
  • Verskaf tydige en akkurate administratiewe ondersteuning tydens oudits:
  • Verantwoordelik vir geallokeerde kontrolerekeninge en kostepunte, met inbegrip van die administrasie en rekonsiliasie daarvan;
  • Nasiening van finansiële state vir rapportering aan eksterne befondsers;
  • Administreer en kontroleer voorskotbetalings.

Job Requirements/Pos Vereistes

  • Hons BCom or similar qualification with accountancy as a major;
  • Completed articles with an auditing firm;
  • Proven relevant work experience in a similar environment, with experience of preparing financial statements and the application of VAT;
  • A substantial accounting and financial background;
  • Proven ability to give guidance to colleagues at senior level;
  • The ability to respect and maintain confidentiality;
  • Excellent computer proficiency, with advanced experience in Excel;
  • Good written and verbal communication skills;
  • Strong decision-making and problem-solving skills and exceptional judgement;
  • Sound organisational and planning skills;
  • The ability to perform effectively under pressure.
  • Hons BComm-graad (of soortgelyke kwalifikasie) met rekeningkunde as hoofvak;
  • Voltooide klerkskap by ‘n ouditeursfirma;
  • Bewese toepaslike werkservaring in ‘n soortgelyke omgewing met ervaring in die opstel van finansiële state en die toepassing van BTW;`
  • ‘n Sterk rekeningkundige en finansiële agtergrond;
  • Die bewese vermoë om op senior vlak leiding aan kollegas te gee;
  • Die vermoë om vertroulikheid te respekteer en handhaaf;
  • Uitstekende rekenaarvaardighede, met gevorderde ervaring in Excel;
  • Goeie skriftelike en mondelinge kommunikasievaardighede;
  • Uitstekende oordeels-, besluitnemings-,probleemoplossingsvaardighede;
  • Sterk organisatoriese- en beplanningsvaardighede;
  • Die vermoë om effektief onder druk te werk


  • Qualified CA(SA);
  • Experience at a higher education or similar institution.
  • Gekwalifiseerde GR(SA);
  • Ervaring in ‘n hoëronderrig- of soortgelyke instelling.

How To Apply/Hoe Om Aansoek Te Doen

Stellenbosch University is committed to employment equity (EE). By the institutional EE Plan of the University and that of the specific environment, only South African citizens from the designated groups will be considered for appointment.

Stellenbosch University reserves the right not to make an appointment.

Your application, comprising a comprehensive curriculum vitae (including the names and email addresses of at least three referees), must reach the University before or on the closing date of the advertised post.

Should no feedback be received from the University within four to six weeks of the closing date, kindly accept that your application was not successful.

Inquiries regarding this post: Ms. R Uys on 021 808 9729, or at

Inquiries regarding remuneration/benefits, as well as technical assistance with the electronic application process: 

Human Resources Client Services Centre on 021 808 2753, or at

Currency ZAR

Commencement Date: 01-Nov-2022

Closing Date: 23-Sep-2022

Click Here To Apply

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